Our Services
Eastgate Tinderbox
Tinderbox's multi-faceted nature can be overwhelming at first sight, not least as it usually offers more than one way to achieve a goal. Shoantel can help with your Tinderbox use, whether based internally within Tinderbox (attributes, agents, prototypes, etc) or where the need is to import /export information.
No two Tinderbox projects tend to be the same so do contact us to see how Shoantel has tackled other Tinderbox projects and see how we may assist you.
Reflecting the costs and increasing restrictions on easy travel, Shoantel is comfortable working remotely via VPN, FTP, remote access and screen sharing. Projects are regularly delivered without any face-to-face meetings to clients around the world. Meetings are useful but if your location - or budget - preclude these then Shoantel is quite happy to work at distance.
There is no set rate card, reflecting the range of client size and project type. Engagements are normally centred around daily or half daily rates with estimates, as appropriate to the task but we are happy to discuss any sort of costing arrangement.
Needs vary, so do contact us to see how Shoantel may assist you.
Extensis Portfolio
As a small consultancy, Shoantel is focused heavily on solutions that deliver productivity for the actual end-user. Consultancy should not just be a vehicle for selling in additional good and services - most Shoantel projects are delivered without any 'support' tail - unless at the clients request.
Shoantel's particular speciality is delivering solutions based around the Extensis Portfolio image database, including workflow analysis, installation, integration, inter-application scripting (VB and AppleScript) catalogue design and web-enabling via NetPublish.
The nature of any project is very much controlled by your needs. Reflecting this Shoantel's involvement can be vary from working alone with key personnel to dovetailing its particular expertise into part of a larger team, whether in-house or with existing suppliers you use.
Resellers and solution providers lacking Portfolio expertise might like to the follow the example of existing organisations who employ Shoantel to deliver the Portfolio roll-out or larger or integrated projects.
The resulting portfolio of work is varied and stretches from large workflow - such as designing the information flow in UK's new aircraft carrier - through departmental level (digital asset management of image libraries) to the individual, such as assisting photographers with getting their Portfolio catalogues online. Shoantel has good knowledge of the undocumented capabilities Portfolio Server NetPublish and what online services this can deliver. Shoantel also undertakes training - especially in a workflow context - and help find ongoing help and documentation methods appropriate to your user base (HTML help, viewlets, etc.).
Recent clients include these organisations.