Eastgate Tinderbox
To help users with the fact that the Tinderbox application is updated much more regularly than the manual, Mark's "aTbRef" documentation can be read online. The TBX source file for "aTbRef" including all the export templates use to create the site, can be downloaded from the aTbRef pages.
He is a primary contributor to also Tinderbox Cookbook and moderates the Tinderbox main forum and Backstage forum.
Extensis Portfolio
Mark is best known to Extensis Portfolio user community as the author of the popular and authoritative PortfolioFAQ. The FAQ includes over 390 pages of info you won't find in the manuals. Now in it's 10th year and free resource for all to use
Adobe Acrobat
Regularly downloaded, although now a little dated (being written for Acrobat v4), this PDF is a description of running Acrobat Reader from CD. This document has been verified for v5 and v6, using the same basic techniques.
The AcrobatFAQ site contains a few other Acrobat-related files and articles.
Other things...
Mark is also to be found in a number of online forums providing regular assistance and encouragement to those learning their way with DAM and software, especially for those without the budget for professional assistance.