Shoantel Limited is the consulting company of Mark Anderson. Mark has been well-known member of the the Portfolio community the late '90s. Initially an ordinary user of Portfolio software, he has leveraged that experience and since 2001 he has been one of the very few consultants specialising in Extensis Portfolio solutions. Since 2004 he has been active in the Tinderbox community. Besides being a helper with the Tinderbox community, he also now offers his Tinderbox expertise on a private consulting basis.

Coming from outside a formal IT background he brings a user's perspective to a confusing and sometimes daunting technical subject. Digital Asset Management (DAM) should 'just' work but rarely does unless implemented with careful forethought. All too often a project is built around the technical aspects of implementation, forgetting the actual aim and at loss to the real users of the system.

Enjoying the challenges of delivering productive workflows, since 2001 Mark has focused on Digital Asset Management delivered via Portfolio, consulting as Shoantel Limited. He is also well known to Extensis Portfolio users as the author of the highly regarded PortfolioFAQ.

An interest in the possibilities of spatial hypertext led him to Eastgateā€™s Tinderbox and he is know to the Tinderbox community as the author of its primary reference aTbRef. and a regular presenter and contributor at Tinderbox Weekends.

Starting out on Windows PCs back in the early '90s, he has worked cross-platform on Mac and Windows on a daily basis since the early days of OS X and is happy working in Mac, Windows or cross-platform environments. He is as happy installing complete solutions as figuring out cost-constrained ones, having worked with individuals through to corporates.