If new to aTbRef, it can be useful to become familiar with the standard elements of the page layout used by every page in the site (except the site map).
The yellow banner holds the note title and is styled, for those who go back that far, in the manner of older Mac OS app Help files.
Sections with a grey background are areas devoted to navigational links.
1. 'Quick' links
This is a set of links to allow you quickly jump from any page to some of the key listing pages on the site: list of system attributes, list of action code operators, list of export codes, list of designators and a list of date formatting codes. There is also a link to the overall site map. Lastly, the 'here' allows quick copying of the current page's URL (with rich text anchor text 'here'). The latter is useful for copying the location to use in email; it is also useful forgetting the current page's URL when working inside a chrome-less window as when using an SSB (Site-specific browser). The label 'quick links' has no relevance to use of similar terms in the body of aTbRef when discussing link creation.
This set of links occurs twice on pages. Firstly, at the very top of the page. Secondly at the foot of the page, after any content and navigation controls.
2. Breadcrumb trail
Tinderbox exports to HTML as a static website based on the source TBX file's outline view, as it reflected by the listing on the site map page. As nested pages are generally sub-topics of their parent page, the breadcrumb trails can help orient the reader. The trail it a list of colon-delimited page names starting at the site root page and going down to the current page. All trail items to the left of the current page are clickable navigation links to that page.
The breadcrumb trail is listed twice as indicated in the image. Once above the page title and once below the main navigation bar.
3. Title & app icon
This part shows the title of the current page and the app icon for the described version of Tinderbox.
4. The article's text
For reason's of compactness, the note illustrated here has very little text. Nonetheless, this part of the page is where the body text of the article is displayed. Articles may have an image (only one per article) and if present this is shown at the top of the page.
5. & 6. Navigation bar
The top level (#5) shows a link to the (parent)article above the current one (the same as seem in the bread crumb trail (#2 above) immediately to the left of the current note title. On the second row, there are links to the previous and next sibling articles (if such exist) under the same parent.
7. Translate the page in Google Translate
Use this widget to access a machine-translated version of the current page using Google's translate.google service. Being a machine translate, some aspects may be very poor, but this service is offered with best intent to help the many Tinderbox users whose first language is not English to gain more use from aTbRef.
8. Last Exported
This entry will indicate the last time this page was exported from its source Tinderbox document. A recent date may indicate a change, e.g. fixed typo. If changes occur reflecting new/changed features, the that fact is normally explicitly noted in the text, e.g. "From vX.x.x, there is a…". At each baseline change, i.e. change of major version number, any reference to the last version's subversion releases are removed. Thus, for v9, all in-text references to changes in v8.x are removed but changes to v9.cx.xill be added as they occur.
Do not worry if the version number seems newer than the current release, or has a number never publicly releasedTbRef's author is generally working in the current beta, thus the differing number from the current public release.
9. Footer - provenance information
This simply notes how this content was created and by whom.
10. Donation button
Change in circumstance means voluntary contributions towards supporting aTbREf are welcome: aTbRef remains free to use, for everyone. Any donations will go towards hosting aTbRef, time spent testing testing the app and writing the results up for aTbRef and into the apps needed to test their close inter-app integration with Tinderbox. The donations are taken via PayPal and the button links to a single-page process at the PayPal site. Again, importantly, the aTbRef site is free for all to use and donations are strictly voluntary.
11. Creative Commons Licence
This section states the CC-BY-NC-SA Creative Commons Licence under which this information is released (with Eastgate's, Inc.'s blessing), and described here. This is of little relevance to most users, but may prove useful in two circumstances. Firstly, if reusing or formally quoting the content the licence gives you a fairly clear aim as to what you may do without having to ask the to the author. The second is less common now Internet access is less of a novelty. Iy you wish to use aTbRef as a web resource but need to do so on an Intranet, the licence may assist with discussions with local IT staff over whether the resource can be thus used (it can!).
11. & 12. Web Search
Search inputs to use two different search engines are offered: DuckDuckGo and Google. Sadly trying to use major search engines to search changing web content is an exercise if frustration. The search engines index when they like and, despite following the instructions aimed to help their spidering, usually to sub-par effect. Any complaints about this should this be emailed to the search engine company and not to aTbref's author. Generally, the site map page is the best search resource there is. It should not be so, but complain to the Web Search companies, please!
13. Creative Commons Licence
This section states the CC-BY-NC-SA Creative Commons Licence under which this information is released (with Eastgate's, Inc.'s blessing), and described here. This is of little relevance to most users, but may prove useful in two circumstances. Firstly, if reusing or formally quoting the content the licence gives you a fairly clear aim as to what you may do without having to ask the to the author. The second is less common now Internet access is less of a novelty. Iy you wish to use aTbRef as a web resource but need to do so on an Intranet, the licence may assist with discussions with local IT staff over whether the resource can be thus used (it can!).
…and finally…
If still confused, please visit the Tinderbox user-to-user forum (N.B. that is not formal Tinderbox tech support) at https://forum.eastgate.com.